
Learn how to connect Opal to Tailscale to manage SSH access within your tailnet.

With the Tailscale integration, you can granularly manage SSH access within your tailnet:

  • Allow users to request just-in-time access to resources on your tailnet from the web and Slack
  • Set the right resource owners to delegate approvals to those with the most context
  • Configure day-one access to Tailscale resources with groups from your identity provider
  • Automatically escalate and revoke privileged resource access based on on-call schedules, e.g., PagerDuty or Opsgenie


Before you begin this guide, you’ll need a tailnet and an Opal account. To learn how to create a tailnet, see the Tailscale quickstart.

Configuration steps

To use Opal with Tailscale:

  1. Generate a Tailscale API key from the keys page of the admin console.
  2. In Opal, go to Inventory, click on the + App icon, and select the Tailscale App. Set the following fields.
App adminThe team that should manage the Tailscale app in Opal.API Owners
DescriptionDescribe how you use Tailscale so your users know what they're requesting access to.SSH access to the production network
Tailnet nameYour tailnet's domain name. Find this by opening the admin console and copying the name next to the Tailscale logo in the upper left.example.com, [email protected], example.github
Tailscale API keyThe API key you generated in Step 1.
  1. Determine which Tailscale ACL tags should be imported into Opal. This is done by the App Admin. For each ACL tag that is selected, Opal automatically parses the existing access rules and SSH access rules that apply to that tag, and which groups have access to the tagged sources using those rules.

Now a user can request access or SSH access to a specific tag in Tailscale or to join a specific group.