Azure Entra IDP/HRIS Integration

If your organization uses Azure Entra as an Identity Provider, you can additionally designate it as an IDP/HRIS Integration. Doing so allows Opal to sync your Azure Entra identities and their attributes, on top of syncing and managing access to entitlements (e.g. Azure Entra Security Groups, Azure VMs, Azure DBs, etc).

Getting Started

Before you set up Azure Entra as your IDP, you must first create an Azure Entra App in Opal. To do this, please follow the instructions here.

Next, set up Azure Entra as your IDP by following instructions here:

Custom Attributes

Note: Opal only supports string type Custom Security Attributes.

  1. Opal's Azure app must have the CustomSecAttributeAssignment.ReadWrite.All Application permission assigned.
    1. Go to App Registrations.
    2. In the sidebar, go to API Permissions and select Add a permission. Choose Microsoft Graph -> Application Permissions and add CustomSecAttributeAssignment.ReadWrite.All
  2. Opal tags should have the format <customAttributeSetName>.<attributeName>. ex. Student.IsFallIntern in order to properly match the Azure attributes. These are case-sensitive.