Update your Opal installation

Learn how to update your self-hosted Opal installation.

New releases of Opal are made available on a regular basis—see the changelog for details. To update your installation:

  • Connect to your Opal on-premise dashboard: https://<HOSTNAME>:8800
  • Click Check for update, which fetches the latest available version from Replicated
  • Click Deploy to deploy, which automatically updates all necessary components

You can also go to the Version History in your on-prem dashboard, which has a list of all available versions. From there, you can roll back to previous versions.

Deploying a new release should take less than a minute and does not cause downtime. However, you should always monitor the upgrade in case issues arise.

Security Updates: Kots

To update KOTS and the admin console, follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to the cluster
  2. Install the latest version of kots
    curl https://kots.io/install | bash
  3. Upgrade your cluster
    kubectl kots admin-console upgrade -n NAMESPACE

Troubleshooting updates

Blank page after update

If you see a blank page after updating Opal, you can try the following to troubleshoot:

Clear your browser cache:

  1. Follow instructions for Chrome, Safari, or your chosen browser.
  2. After clearing the cache, refresh the page to see if the issue is resolved.

Clear your Cloudflare cache:

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare dashboard and go to Caching > Configuration.
  1. Click Purge Everything. Wait up to 30 seconds, then refresh your Opal page.

What’s Next

Need to set up other managed systems? Check out our guides below.