Azure Real Time Sync Setup

With Opal Real Time Sync, admins will be able to see access changes to an application's Resources and Groups in near real-time and on an event-driven basis. Instead of waiting for Opal's scheduled syncs, each time an access change event occurs in the remote system (e.g. User added to a Group), Opal will automatically sync and reflect that change.

If you are using our Azure (Entra) Integration, you can expect to see changes in Opal as quickly as 3 minutes and no later than 10 minutes once you set up this feature.

Architecture Diagram


  • The Azure CLI configured. If you have not already, follow the instructions below.
    • Follow the instructions hereto install the Azure CLI
    • Follow the instructions here to log in to the Azure CLI
  • An Azure Subscription
  • The following providers must be registered in the Azure Subscription. If they are not registered, do so using:
    az provider register --namespace <resource-provider-namespace> --subscription <subscription_id>
    • Microsoft.Insights
    • Microsoft.EventHub
  • Administrative access to an Azure Subscription, specifically the permissions listed below.
Required Permissions
  • Microsoft.EventHub/checkNameAvailability/action
  • Microsoft.EventHub/register/action
  • Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/write
  • Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/read
  • Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/read
  • Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationRules/write
  • Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/write
  • Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/read
  • Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/read
  • Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationRules/write

The Azure Event Hubs Data Owner role will provide these permissions.

Using Terraform

Step 1: Initialize the Azure EDS Terraform Module

We provide a terraform module that configures most of the required resources for you, hosted at To get started, copy the following Terraform snippet

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "=4.8.0"

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

module "opal_azure_eds" {
  source = ""

  root_management_group_name = "ExampleRootManagementGroup"
  resource_group_name        = "ExampleResourceGroup"
  subscription_id            = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

# Outputs configuration information necessary to perform the rest of setup
output "opal_eventhub_id" {
  value = module.opal_azure_eds.opal_eventhub_id

output "opal_eventhub_name" {
  value = module.opal_azure_eds.opal_eventhub_name

output "opal_eventhub_namespace_id" {
  value = module.opal_azure_eds.opal_eventhub_namespace_id

output "opal_eventhub_authz_rule_id" {
  value = module.opal_azure_eds.opal_eventhub_authz_rule_id

output "opal_entra_diagnostic_setting_id" {
  value = module.opal_azure_eds.opal_entra_diagnostic_setting_id

Step 2: Create a diagnostic setting at the root management group

For this step, we will need to use the Azure REST API, as this functionality is not available anywhere else. You can trigger this via any REST client you would like. An authorization token is required, which you can retrieve from the Azure CLI using the following command:

az account get-access-token --query accessToken --output tsv

To create the diagnostic setting, fill in the following fields in the command below to create a diagnostic setting

  • <root-management-group-ID>: The root management group for your Azure directory
  • <diagnostic-setting-name>: Any name
  • <event-hub-subscription>: The subscription under which you created your event hub namespace
  • <event-hub-resource-group>: The resource group under which you created your event hub namespace
  • <event-hub-namespace-name>: The name of your event hub namespace
  • <authorization-rule-name>: The name of the authorization rule configured above
  • <event-hub-name>: The name of the event hub configured above
token=$(az account get-access-token --query accessToken --output tsv)
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \<root-management-group-ID>/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/<diagnostic-setting-name>\?api-version\=2020-01-01-preview \
-d '{"properties":{"eventHubAuthorizationRuleId":"/subscriptions/<event-hub-subscription>/resourceGroups/<event-hub-resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/<event-hub-namespace-name>/authorizationrules/<authorization-rule-name>","eventHubName":"<event-hub-name>","logs":[{"category":"Administrative", "enabled":true }, {}]}}'

This configures a diagnostic setting to export any Administrative logs from the root management group, and any children, to your event hub.

Step 3: Allow the Opal App Registration to read from your Event Hub

Now we need to allow the Opal Service to read from your Azure Event Hub. Fill in the following command:

  • <opal-app-registration-object-id>: The object ID of the App Registration you use for Opal.
  • <event-hub-id>: The ID of the created event hub that was output from your terraform apply
az role assignment create \
 --assignee <opal-app-registration-object-id> \
 --role "Azure Event Hubs Data Receiver" \
  --scope <event-hub-id>

Step 4: Connect Opal to your Event Hub

Navigate to your Azure app in Opal, select Setup, and click Edit to configure your event hub:

  • Event Hub Namespace: This must be the fully-qualified name of your event hub namespace. It will be of the form <your-event-hub-namespace-name>
  • Event Hub Name: Your event hub's name, as returned from the terraform apply.

Using Azure Portal

Step 1: Create an Azure Event Hub Namespace

Navigate to Event Hubs and click "Create"

Configure the following properties on the first page:

  • Subscription: The subscription your event hub namespace is only affects where it is billed.
  • Resource Group
  • Namespace name
  • Location
  • Pricing Tier: Note that this affects the length of the data retention periods that you are eligible for
  • Throughput Units: 1 TU is recommended

Under the following steps, you can configure any other setup required by your use-case. No further configuration for the event hub namespace is required for integration with Opal. Click "Review + create"

Once created, your event hub will take a few minutes to deploy.

Step 2: Create an Event Hub

Once your event hub namespace is deployed, navigate to it in the Azure UI and click "+ Event Hub"

On the first page, you will be prompted to configure the following:

  • Name
  • Partition Count: We recommend setting the partition count to 1
  • Cleanup Policy: Controls what happens when events reach their retention limit. We recommend using Delete
  • Retention Time: The maximum retention period available to you will differ based on the pricing tier you chose in step 1. We recommend using the longest retention period possible.

On the "Capture" tab, if you have a premium-tier namespace, you can enable capturing the data that is streamed by your event hub in Azure Data Lake or Azure Blob Storage. We recommend you keep this off.

Once complete, click "Review + Create", confirm your configuration and create your event hub.

Step 3: Setup authorization rules

Authorization rules allow Azure to push audit and administrative logs to your event hub, see here for more details. Fill in the following fields in the command below to create an authorization rule on your namespace

  • <authorization-rule-name>: Can be any name
  • <event-hub-namespace-name>: Name of the event hub namespace configured above
  • <event-hub-resource-group>: Resource group under which the event hub namespace was created
az eventhubs namespace authorization-rule create \
  --name <authorization-rule-name> \
  --namespace-name <event-hub-namespace-name> \
  --resource-group <event-hub-namespace-resource-group> \
  --rights Manage Send Listen

Step 4: Create a diagnostic setting at the root management group

For this step, we will need to use the Azure REST API. You can trigger this via any REST client you would like. An authorization token is required, which you can retrieve from the Azure CLI using the following command:

az account get-access-token --query accessToken --output tsv

To create the diagnostic setting, fill in the following fields in the command below to create a diagnostic setting

  • <root-management-group-ID>: The root management group for your Azure directory
  • <diagnostic-setting-name>: Any name
  • <event-hub-subscription>: The subscription under which you created your event hub namespace
  • <event-hub-resource-group>: The resource group under which you created your event hub namespace
  • <event-hub-namespace-name>: The name of your event hub namespace
  • <authorization-rule-name>: The name of the authorization rule configured above
  • <event-hub-name>: The name of the event hub configured above
token=$(az account get-access-token --query accessToken --output tsv)
curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \<root-management-group-ID>/providers/microsoft.insights/diagnosticSettings/<diagnostic-setting-name>\?api-version\=2020-01-01-preview \
-d '{"properties":{"eventHubAuthorizationRuleId":"/subscriptions/<event-hub-subscription>/resourceGroups/<event-hub-resource-group>/providers/Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/<event-hub-namespace-name>/authorizationrules/<authorization-rule-name>","eventHubName":"<event-hub-name>","logs":[{"category":"Administrative", "enabled":true }, {}]}}'

This configures a diagnostic setting to export any Administrative logs from the root management group, and any children, to your event hub.

Step 5: Enable Microsoft Entra Logging

Navigate to Microsoft Entra and click "Show More" on the left hand bar.

Expand "Monitoring & Health" and select "Diagnostic Settings"

Select "Add diagnostic setting"

You will be prompted to configure the following:

  • Diagnostic setting name
  • Log Categories: Select AuditLogs
  • Destination details: Select Stream to an event hub
    • Select the subscription, event hub namespace, event hub and authorization rule created above

Once complete, click "Save"

Step 6: Allow the Opal App Registration to read from your Event Hub

Now we need to allow the Opal Service to read from your Azure Event Hub. Fill in the following command:

  • <opal-app-registration-object-id>: The object ID of the App Registration you use for Opal.
  • <event-hub-id>: The ID of the created event hub
az role assignment create \
 --assignee <opal-app-registration-object-id> \
 --role "Azure Event Hubs Data Receiver" \
  --scope <event-hub-id>

Step 7: Connect Opal to your Event Hub

Navigate to your Azure app in Opal, select "Setup" and click "Edit" to configure your event hub:

  • Event Hub Namespace: This must be the fully-qualified name of your event hub namespace. It will be of the form <your-event-hub-namespace-name>
  • Event Hub Name: Your event hub's name