
With Opal, you can create audit tickets in ServiceNow for your engineers' access requests.

Adding ServiceNow to Opal

Step 1: Create a ServiceNow service user

To enable our ServiceNow integration, Opal requires the administrator of your ServiceNow instance to create a service user.

Navigate to the Users section by clicking "All", then select "Users", under "Users and Groups".

Be sure to select the checkbox that says "web service access only".

The User ID and password will be used as inputs in the next step.

At minimum, the service user needs the roles of catalog_admin and sn_request_write (available via the ITSM Roles plugin) in order to create and update entries in the requests (sc_request) and items (sc_req_item) tables.

You'll need to save their User ID and password for creating the ServiceNow integration in Opal.

Step 2: Create a catalog item for Opal

Create a catalog item under any catalog to bucket Opal requests. A request will be made for this catalog item for every request made in Opal. The state of the request will also reflect the approval state of the Opal request.

Optionally, you may add variables associated with this catalog item, and Opal will post the relevant metadata about the access request. Any or all of these variables can be added:

Variable NameDescription
reasonThe reason for which the user requested the item
appThe app for the group or resource requested
requested_durationThe duration of the request in minutes
item_typeEither RESOURCE or GROUP
roleThe role for which the item was requested
requesterThe email of the requester
requester_userThe Sys ID of the ServiceNow user who made the request
requested_forThe email of the user for whom the request was made
requested_for_userThe Sys ID of the ServiceNow user for whom the request was made (empty if not found)
itemThe name of the item requested
item_idThe Opal ID of the item requested

Once created, you will need to provide the Sys ID of the catalog item to Opal during setup. You can copy the Sys ID from this dropdown:

Step 3: Create an OAuth application

To allow Opal to authenticate with your ServiceNow instance to perform automated API operations, create an OAuth application by navigating to System OAuth > Application Registry. Click "New" and proceed to "Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients".

The fields on this application can be customized to your liking. Just be sure to record down the Client ID and Client Secret for creating the integration in Opal in the next step.

Step 4: Add your ServiceNow credentials to Opal

To enable the ServiceNow integration, go to the Configuration panel in Opal and navigate to Settings. Click Productivity Integrations, then click ServiceNow and enter the information created from the previous step.

Still in the Configuration panel, click Access Requests, then click Create audit ticket for all access requests created in Opal. You can select "ServiceNow" in the dropdown, then click Save.

Once completed, you've successfully integrated ServiceNow with Opal. Audit tickets will be automatically created in ServiceNow whenever an access request is created in Opal.

Here is an example access request:

Clicking the link will open the ticket in ServiceNow. The ticket will be automatically updated to reflect the status of the Opal access request.


Opal's integration with ServiceNow will create a request (REQ) to mirror each request in Opal. Each request will have a requested item (RITM) for each item in the Opal request. In this example, we requested two items in Opal, which reflects as this request in ServiceNow:

Each requested item will be made for the "Opal" catalog item created during setup, and variables for the item will be attached to give more description to the item requested.