Self-Hosted on AWS EKS
Below, we walk through how to deploy Opal Self-Host on AWS EKS.
There are 3 steps to deploying Opal:
- Infrastructure setup: EKS cluster, RDS Postgres instance, and TLS certificate
- Deploy Opal admin console: deployed on the EKS cluster and used to configure your Opal deployment and manage updates
- Configure and deploy Opal: deployed on the EKS cluster.
Useful links:
1. Infrastructure Setup
Recommended: Using Terraform
Terraform is the easiest way to setup the required infrastructure for Opal Self-Host.
- Clone the GitHub repo of Terraform files linked above.
- If desired, adjust
. For test instances only, you can safely downsize the following:cluster_node_instance_type = t3.large
db_instance_class = db.t3.micro
- Apply the Terraform config as follows. This will initialize an EKS cluster and RDS instance, along with the necessary IAM roles and VPC. Please note that this step may take 20+ minutes.
terraform init terraform validate # optional terraform plan # optional terraform apply
After infrastructure deployment is complete, you should have a cluster that you can examine as follows:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region [REGION] \
--name opal-cluster \
--alias opal-cluster
kubectl config use-context opal-cluster
kubectl get pods -A
You should see the following results if your infrastructure setup is successful:
Alternative: Manual setup
Create a Kubernetes cluster
Opal installs into an existing Kubernetes cluster. This cluster must meet the following requirements:
- Intel Processor
- Min nodes: 2
- Min total CPU: 4 cores
- Min total RAM: 30 GB
- Kubernetes version: 1.29+
- Your cluster must have outbound access to pull Docker containers and verify your license. If you don't want to provide open outbound access, see our list of ports that need access.
Note: EKS Fargate is not supported.
We recommend using eksctl
to create your cluster, which creates a VPC and selects the proper security groups for you.
- Install and configure the AWS CLI for your AWS account.
- Install
- Create your cluster by running the following (CloudFormation with eksctl and EKS can take more than 20 minutes to complete):
eksctl create cluster --name=opal --nodes 2 --node-type m6i.xlarge
Provision RDS database
For production deployments, we strongly recommend that you use an external PostgreSQL database provisioned in RDS, in order to have automatic backups.
Your RDS instance should meet the following requirements:
- Minimum PostgreSQL version: 15
- Minimum storage: 50 GB
- Minimum instance size: db.m6i.large (if more than 1,000 users: db.m6i.xlarge)
- Recommended:
- Enabled: multi-AZ for high availability
- Enabled: encrypted-at-rest storage
Note: AWS Aurora is not supported.
Embedded vs external database
For production use cases, we recommend running a managed PostgreSQL database. This is easy to configure with Opal's setup process.
Alternatively, you can store all of Opal's data on the virtual machine it's deployed on. This is great for testing out the product, but accidents are more likely to cause data loss.
Additional setup
Required: TLS certificate
We recommend using AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) to setup a TLS certificate. This makes it easy to map the certificate to the load balancer deployed with Opal.
You can setup an ACM certificate using these official instructions. The domain name for your certificate should be the user-facing hostname for your on-prem instance (e.g.
Optional: External Redis instance
Opal uses Redis under the hood. By default, it deploys a Redis instance as a pod in the cluster. Alternatively, if you already manage your own Redis instance, you can configure Opal to use this instead. We recommend that your Redis instance have the following settings:
- Minimum Redis version: 6.2.6
- Minimum instance size: cache.t3.small (or if more than 1,000 users: cache.t3.medium)
2. Deploy Opal admin console
These instructions will setup your cluster in a configuration that requires pulling images from Replicated's image repo (
If you would prefer an airgapped installation that uses your own image repo, you should follow Replicated's instructions for that here. Once you've finished with those instructions, resume with Step 3 in out instructions below.
We use Kots to package and monitor private cluster deployments of Opal. In particular, it helps us provide an admin console for configuring your Opal deployment and managing updates. To install Kots, run the following command:
curl | bash
Next, install the Opal admin console. The installation should take 5-10 minutes, and you'll be prompted to set a password for accessing your admin console (which you can reset using these instructions).
kubectl kots install opal-onprem --strict-security-context
The Opal admin console is deployed as a set of kotsadm-*
pods. Once installed, you should see the following pods deployed as well as a URL for accessing the Opal admin console via port-forwarding.
Useful kots commands
If you kill your port-forwarding to the admin console, you can set it up again using this command:
kubectl kots admin-console --namespace opal-onprem
The admin console password may be reset with this command:
kubectl kots reset-password opal-onprem
3. Configure and deploy Opal
When you access your admin console, you'll be prompted to upload a license. This should have been provided by your Opal representative.
Next, you'll be asked to configure your Opal deployment:

The below recommendations assume you've followed the steps above to setup your infrastructure:
- Hostname: Enter the hostname used to access the Opal application. This cannot be updated later.
- Use pre-packaged K8s ingress: Check this unless you plan to customize the ingress.
- Custom annotations: alb internet-facing
(only if you plan to expose your Opal Self-hosted instance to the internet; otherwise the default isinternal
) [ACM certificate ARN]
- Postgres: Select External Postgres and point it to your RDS instance. You can find the relevant information by querying Terraform:
terraform output; terraform output rds_password
- [Optional] Use SSL for Database Connection: Enable this setting if you'd like to require the connection to the Opal database to use SSL.
- Redis: Select Embedded Redis.
- Database encryption key: Generate a 32-character string for encrypting sensitive data, like 3rd party API tokens, in your database.
- Opal API encryption key: Generate a 32-character string for encrypting generated Opal API tokens.
Encryption keys used by the application should be stored securely in a password manager to enable restoring Opal in a disaster recovery event.
- Email settings: You may enable SMTP for sending email notifications and use the SMTP provider of your choice. If you use Google Workspace's SMTP, you'll be required to add the public IP addresses of the Kubernetes nodes to the allowlist.
Click Continue. You can run or skip the pre-flight checks. After you deploy, you expect to see the following additional Opal pods running on the cluster:
Create DNS record
Opal creates an ALB as part of its deployment (assuming you used the pre-packaged K8s ingress). As a final step, create a CNAME DNS record mapping your desired hostname to the ALB's hostname.
Generally, you can get the hostname of the ALB created as part of the Opal deployment by running kubectl get ingress -A
Once your DNS record is created, you should now be able to access Opal at your desired hostname. Log in and invite your team!
Optional: Access via VPN (e.g. Cloudflare Access, Twingate)
If your users will be accessing your Opal instance via a VPN, please ensure that you've configured it to point to the ALB.
Updated 25 days ago