Add a Cloud SQL Instance

Opal lets your developers find and request access to GCP Cloud SQL instances. Use the following steps to add SQL instances to your Opal dashboard.

1. Go to SQL in GCP

Access the SQL browser using this link or find it by navigating to SQL in the search bar.

2. Configure your SQL instance

Select your instance and click Edit.

  • Under Customize your instance, click Flags.
  • Click Add Flag.
  • Select cloudsql.iam_authentication.
  • Click Done.

Opal only adds resources for SQL instances that you label with opal.

  • Scroll down to Labels and add the opal label.
  • Click Done.
  • Click Save

Access a SQL instance in Opal

If you successfully labeled your SQL instance in GCP, the new SQL resource shows in the Resources tab.


If you already have access to the SQL instance in GCP, through Opal or otherwise, you'll see a Connected label in the top right corner of the resource. The access levels to this instance are granted to the GCP user that matches your email address.