Nested groups

Learn how to set up nested groups in Opal.

In Opal, you can use nested groups (also called “group-group propagation”) to add a group to another group and automatically sync memberships between the groups.

Use cases

Connect role and resource groups

Use nested groups to easily manage access to resources while maintaining existing user group structures. You can:

  • Define requestable groups containing resources; for example, a group called Prod Resources, composed of prod AWS and PagerDuty resources
  • Define non-requestable groups containing users; for example, a group called Software Engineers pulled from an Okta group rule
  • From the Prod Resources detail page under Group Access, add the Software Engineers group as a nested group, and set an access duration

In this example, users in the Software Engineers group are then automatically granted access to resources within the Prod Resources group, and changes in group membership are automatically pulled from Okta.

Connect disparate groups

You can also use nested groups to connect disparate groups that require access to the same resources, e.g., a Google Group and Okta group, two Okta groups, etc.


To set up a nested group:

  1. Go to Inventory > Apps and find the group you’d like to serve as the containing group. The containing group contains the member group you’ll add.
  2. Go to the Group Access tab on the containing group.
  3. Select Add Groups and search for the member group(s) to add.
  4. Optionally, set the access to be timebound.
  5. Select Add Groups to save the group.

Users in the member group are now automatically granted access to any resources or groups in the containing group.