Version 1.0.744

by Stephen
  • Fixed a bug causing some resources to be incorrectly pulled if they share a remote ID with a resource of a different type

Version 1.0.742

by Stephen
  • Bug Fix: Properly display source of access tool tip label when there is direct and inherited access
  • Bug Fix: User access table was not correctly rendering the source of access in some cases
  • Minor UI updates to the UAR page
  • Improve error messaging when a request duration is longer than the maximum allowed for the resource

Version 1.0.741

by Stephen
  • Improves performance of tag selectors across the app by switching to paginated lists
  • Show users a warning if they make a UAR without any scope
  • Allow admins to create requests on behalf of groups for other groups through the POST /requests endpoint

Version 1.0.735

by Aashish
  • Allow admins to add an expiration when adding resources to users and groups.
  • Fixed an issue where Slack notifications would sometimes fail to send to access request reviewers.
  • Support requiring an entity's admin in reviewer stages through the API.
  • Improve UX for import items page.
  • Fixed bug where an owner was getting deleted without checking for references in configuration templates.
  • Allow filtering users on an Application's Users table.
  • Fixes an issue in which POST /configuration-templates did not return the proper JSON headers and did not return the newly created template.
  • Requests that were approved by a user, but which still required approvals from other reviewers, will no longer appear in that user's inbox.
  • Fixed 'auto-import group resources' not working for Okta apps.
  • Fixed a bug causing some request approvals to fail.