Version 1.0.758

by Adrien Magnus
  • Added banner to user access review page for completed access reviews.
  • Changed redirect page from the ended list to the details page after ending user access review.
  • Fixed Incorrect Quarter Rendering for Schedules.
  • Fixed bug where requesting access was failing when Okta MFA is required
  • Show resource/group types in the propagation status modal
  • Fixed a bug where Okta group application source tags used the Okta App ID instead of the Okta App Name.
  • Ongoing Access Reviews will default to sorting by deadline
  • Fix bug where an access request could be created for a user that already has nested access to a group

Version 1.0.755

by Adrien Magnus
  • Fix bug where connection users would incorrectly show in a UAR for some connection types.
  • The Create Request Slack modal now shows additional options for access durations when a non-indefinite max access duration is set.
  • The Create Request Slack modal will now show and default to a group or resource's recommended duration.
  • Fixed error handling when fetching Okta MFA factors.
  • Fixes width of visibility selector in apps and resources.
  • Performance improvements for the Explore page when nodes are collapsed
  • Fixes issues with pagination when displaying an app's items
  • Fixes bugs in the Slack Create Request modal around handling request custom fields

Version 1.0.752

by Aashish
  • Fixed a bug that caused pushing access changes to BigQuery Datasets to occasionally fail
  • Fixes bugs in the Slack Create Request modal around duration handling and selection.
  • Fixes a bug where listing Apps via the Slack Integration may not include all results
  • Fixes a bug where remote users may not have been synced after turning on the IdP auto-merge user setting.
  • Improved performance when rendering source of access details on nested groups.
  • Added support for RDS Aurora clusters
  • Fixed bug where some pages would incorrectly 404
  • Added a new header card for the end user page.
  • Fixed bug where an access request's revoke status was not being properly reflected
  • Updated the breadcrumbs to be greyed out to make them less distracting in the app