• Performance improvements when fetching events
  • Fixes text filtering behavior on certain drop downs when an option is selected
  • Fixed a bug where an access request could be created for a user that already has nested access to a group with the same access level
  • Fixed a bug where custom field checkboxes always had to be checked on the Create Request Slack modal
  • Fixed a bug where the access level dropdown would continue displaying on the Create Request Slack modal when it shouldn't
  • Performance improvements fetching information on access reviews
  • Fixes a bug when users review a group containing resources that they normally don't have visibility of
  • Fixed an issue where the access changes tab would not load for large access reviews
  • Improved caching for access review assignments
  • Updated bulk resource editing to redirect to the resource edit screen when only one item is selected for editing
  • Fixed some invalid user data causing Users sync to fail wholly.
  • Fixed an issue with including incorrect information in Opal emails
  • Fixed a bug when custom resources with no description are imported.
  • Fixed an issue with AWS EKS session creation failing.

Version 1.0.762

by Adrien Magnus
  • Fixed bug where denial reason is in separate email from the deny email.