
  • Reduced reliance on stale cache data sometimes requiring a refresh before newly created/ended UARs would appear in the list.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare bug with resource deletion where a resource's request configuration would incorrectly persist through deletion.
  • Fixed a bug where old request configuration settings were applied to a request.
  • Update Okta connection to prevent importing built-in group attributes as tags.


  • Introduce new tag type for Okta App Groups - key is "okta_source_app" , value is source app name (google, slack etc).

Bug Fixes

  • Improved sync to gracefully handle when resources are deleted in Azure.
  • Fixed cryptic error messages in Okta sync.
  • Fixed bug with Okta sync when API token privileges were downgraded.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where AWS account resources were not getting deleted in Opal when they were deleted in the end system.
  • Fixed missing target_user_id in GET requests endpoint response.

New Features:

  • Added a GET /groups/group_id API endpoint.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix bug where in some cases we were over-fetching tickets from the ticket provider.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue where pushing AWS Identity Center assignments would unexpectedly fail.

Version 1.0.647

by Adrien Magnus


  • Small UI improvement when setting up JIRA integration.


  • Added rate limiting to Linear API requests

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue where tag filters would not work as expected.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issue where the configuration template creation page would not load.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed reported issue of multiple tickets being created for custom resources with ticket propagation when a user has their access automatically expired.