• Use updated group search dropdown to select the source group for an Owner
  • Started directly showing the connection instruction pages after any MFA checks needed instead of the select role modal if there is only one role the user can connect with.
  • Restructured Okta sync to require much fewer API calls to finish.
  • Fixed a bug where external google groups would cause sync to fail.

Version 1.0.714

by Adrien Magnus
  • Render containing groups and member groups in the Group page.
  • Self-Hosted Only: Add security contexts to lock down privileges on opal pods.
  • Fixed bug where the access request form would sometimes not show ticket fields.
  • Fixed a rare issue causing organization settings to not be applied correctly.
  • Disambiguate whether the propagation ticket associated to a user is for a grant or revocation.
  • Documentation update: Update UAR deadline examples to match ISO8601 format.
  • Fixed bug where access expired notifications could be erroneously cleared.

Version 1.0.709

by Adrien Magnus
  • Added a Create Access Request REST API. Supports requesting access on behalf of a user for multiple resources and groups.
  • For ticket-based access propagation, use a different ticket title based on whether it's a propagation or revocation.
  • Access review notes will now be correctly saved and retained between refreshes.
  • API Changes: The target_user_id field in the response for GET /requests is now optional.